The Matriarchy production blog

Hints & Tips to read before playing

I'm waiting for more testers logs to come in before finishing up the game, so here's some (hopefully) helpful tips for the game. The next blogpost I make will be the release post, I'm hoping this weekend.

*Don't use the fullscreen option. I can't remove it, but besides it enlarging the graphics beyond the size they were meant to be, it can also create problems with making buttons and other stuff hard or impossible to click.
*The game has 2 different routes, but 3 different endings: every choice leads to a different ending.

Left click - Next/skip typewriting/use buttons
Right click - Hide/show dialog box
Ctrl - Speed through game (8x speed atm, tell me if this should be higher)
Space - Skip by frame
A - Autoplay
Alt + Enter - Fullscreen (not recommended)

The 3 buttons on the right of the textbox have the following function, from top to bottom:
*Go to save menu
*Go to load menu
*View dialogue log
  1. 2013/10/22(火) 12:09:38|
  2. Teacher
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Solving a problem with loading savefiles correctly is proving to be quite a lot of work. I'm over halfway done now after quite a lot of hours of work, so I decided to write another blogpost to take my mind of things (a mistake in what I'm doing to solve the problem could cause me to accidentally leave out some dialogue or part of a scene). So, here's an afterword from me before the game is even released. The before-afterword.

This project has taken quite some time, and I realize the end result isn't very good. I hadn't drawn in years and was never a good or even decent artist to begin with, so I solved that problem by using 3DCG for a lot of the designs and the small screen resolution to hide my weak art. That said, I'm glad I did it and learned a lot from it. A lot of things I can use in a next project, which I have talked about a little before and will eleborate on in a blogpost after the general release of Teacher in Training. For now I'll just say that for my next game, I plan on making more detailed art and a bigger screen resolution.

I also decided to go full-on weeaboo for this game and pretend it's a Japanese eroge: A setting in Japan even though the girls don't look Japanese, some very light cultural references, and the use of suffixes. It's especially these suffixes that make this setting great to work with, but I'm still deciding on what setting to use for the coming project and am leaning to a Western one with Western names this time.

Even though Teacher in Training is just a very short eroge with little story and it still took a long time, I'm glad I was able to see it through to the end, probably for not a small part due to it being minimal. I feel like a lot of these one-man projects never see the day of light because the maker ends up having too much of a 'grand vision' and gets bored with it and moves on without an end result. With Teacher in Training almost complete, I have something to show even if it is not much. I can now move on to a bigger project, and hopefully move on to the next even larger project after I finish that, learning along the way.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone for their support. I appreciate all comments, messages on Pixiv, and ideas. There's not a big audience for stuff like this, but I do hope to continue contributing to the limited amount of material for it, and hope to receive your support for future works and projects as well. A big thanks to the testers in advance too.

Update: And there it was almost lost, my PC wouldn't boot anymore. Luckily it just did, so I'm uploading the files for this project now for myself so I can download it somewhere else if my PC fails again.
  1. 2013/10/20(日) 07:05:18|
  2. Teacher
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Pre-release released

If I'm not mistaken, I've now send everyone who signed up to be a tester a message containing the link to the pre-release through either Pixiv or E-mail. Tell me if you signed up but didn't get a link and I'll correct it.

I won't be accepting new testers anymore now, but don't worry, release isn't that far off. While I'm waiting for the test reports to come in, I'll work on the problems I decided not to fix for the pre-release version because they were too time-demanding.

Update: Just noticed the Load button in the main menu doesn't work. I fixed it for the final version, but just so every tester that bothers to look here knows: you can still load your savefile by starting a new game, and then using the load icon on the right of the textbox.
  1. 2013/10/19(土) 07:18:13|
  2. Teacher
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Get ready...

...for the pre-release, testers! I'm writing this quick blogpost to tell everyone that the pre-release version of the game is pretty much done. I have to quickly skim through it one last time and fix any glaring problems, but after that I can start uploading and sending the file for everyone who signed up to be a pre-release tester. I wish I could do it right now, but after working to finish the game a long night and a huge headache I really need some sleep. I'll start sending around the pre-release when I wake up.

I'll make sure to start working on the problems I already am aware of as soon as possible, and hope to receive most of the testers reports quickly too so I can release the final game within a week or two after the pre-release.

Thanks for your patience all this time, I'm glad I can finally release this project. I'll probably be blogging quite a lot in the coming weeks, so you'll hear more from me soon.
  1. 2013/10/18(金) 17:33:33|
  2. Teacher
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October Update

I call this October Update, but I hope and assume there won't be a Teacher in Trainer development blogpost called November Update.

I'm currently finishing up the CG event scene for the first Class Route ending. This one has been quite some work, but I hope to be able to finish it within the next few days. After that I'll have some extra work with a little extra I've been planning for this ending, and then it's time to start on the final CG event scene of the game. I still have to think about how I will handle that one, it might be a scene that's quick to make but it might also take more time. I'll see.
  1. 2013/10/01(火) 08:18:59|
  2. Teacher
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