The Matriarchy production blog

Natsuki versus Monica

Every next full version of Veil of the Lotus will add one or more new Lotus scenes, but also one complete side route. Both Natsuki's and Monica's routes have been completely written by their respective writers, so I'm going to let Patrons with the polling privilege ($3 and higher) decide which of these routes will be included in version 2.0.

Both routes will eventually be included in the game, this poll is to decide what will be included next. If you're a "Submissive" or higher supporter on Patreon you can vote here.
  1. 2017/07/29(土) 05:20:20|
  2. Lotus
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  4. | Comments:2
<<Monica character sheet | HOME | Veil of the Lotus version 1.0 release>>


Since it's people who are actually paying money who are allowed to vote, you just know that they're going to vote for the financial domination route because that's what they enjoy ;-)
  1. 2017/08/02(水) 15:31:08 |
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  3. #-
  4. [ Edit ]

Re: Anonymous

Funny, but the chastity route is in the lead with 17 against 14 at the moment. :P The voting will close on Sunday at midnight.
  1. 2017/08/03(木) 03:15:34 |
  2. URL |
  3. The Necromancer #-
  4. [ Edit ]

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The Necromancer

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