The Matriarchy production blog

Hints & Tips to read before playing

I'm waiting for more testers logs to come in before finishing up the game, so here's some (hopefully) helpful tips for the game. The next blogpost I make will be the release post, I'm hoping this weekend.

*Don't use the fullscreen option. I can't remove it, but besides it enlarging the graphics beyond the size they were meant to be, it can also create problems with making buttons and other stuff hard or impossible to click.
*The game has 2 different routes, but 3 different endings: every choice leads to a different ending.

Left click - Next/skip typewriting/use buttons
Right click - Hide/show dialog box
Ctrl - Speed through game (8x speed atm, tell me if this should be higher)
Space - Skip by frame
A - Autoplay
Alt + Enter - Fullscreen (not recommended)

The 3 buttons on the right of the textbox have the following function, from top to bottom:
*Go to save menu
*Go to load menu
*View dialogue log
  1. 2013/10/22(火) 12:09:38|
  2. Teacher
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  4. | Comments:0
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