The Matriarchy production blog

Second route

The story of my second game is getting more concrete, and while thinking about slight variations and early (bad) ends to not make the game entirely linear one idea in particular has grown to be a seperate route after all. It will most likely be not as long as the 'main' route and be a little less focused on the CG Event scenes and a little more on the character it's about, but it will probably be worth calling a seperate route.
  1. 2014/01/05(日) 09:17:22|
  2. College
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Happy New Year

I wish everyone who still follows this blog or reads my stories a great 2014.

I've written a pictureless story as practice for my next game project as that one will be similar in story, and hope to be able to show some things from the new project in not too long.
  1. 2013/12/31(火) 11:59:47|
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General ideas for new work

There it is. A new tag, for a new work. I'm still working on a more stable version for Teacher in Training, but as some of the fixes require quite tedious work I couldn't help but start with something new.

The basic story
You just started attending college. You have a lot of the same classes as one of your best and oldest friends, a girl that has been in love with you for as long as you've known each other. However, you're still inexperienced in love, mostly because of your own lack of attention for love and obliviousness to your friends feelings for you. But this time it's going to be different. You've decided to turn your life around and great a fruitful college life for yourself in both academics and love. As soon as you started college, you force yourself to be a more socialable person and hope to find a romance out of it. But things aren't going as you'd hoped. Allthough female interest in you seems to be sufficient, none of the girls that you think might like you really interest you. Should you just start a relationship first and then get to know them better? Keep looking? Or maybe just give up on trying to force something like this?
But that's when you spotted her. That girl. The girl. Your heart skips a beat as you turn your head when she walked past. This must be it. The feeling you were looking for.
A few days later you approach her fot the first time, and it didn't take more than a month to get close to her. But when you finally found the courage to ask her out, she tells you she's not looking for a normal relationship. Still adamant about 'dating' her, you're about to find out what kind of relationship she is looking for...

I've talked about some of my plans for this game before, but I'll list some of them below.
- I'm hoping to improve my art in this work, and therefore the game will also have a bigger screen.
- I want the game to be bigger in terms of length and amount of CG event scenes than Teacher in Training was, but also want there to be only one main route this time. This means one long story, with possibly some alternative endings or early endings. And maybe some choices that will change what CG event scene will be next or how a CG event scene will end.
- Because it will be one long route that's mainly about one girl, I want to include multiple outfits for the main heroine at least.
- Hopefully I'll get to include your ideas and suggestions.

As for that last one, I'd really like to hear any suggestions and ideas you have that fit this game's setting. To clearify: the setting is once again female on male femdom, realistic (as in non-fantasy/SciFi), and most likely takes place in a non-existing country (so you can mess around with laws). I want to split the suggestions in four stages, this one being for general ideas for the game and story, and things you'd like to see.

Please send any scenarios, ideas, or suggestions you have and wish to share to me on either Pixiv, as a comment on this blog, or anywhere else you think I will see.

Oh right, I forgot: I also once again need a good name for the game.
  1. 2013/11/09(土) 07:54:52|
  2. College
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Teacher in Training release

Teacher in Training
  1. 2013/10/26(土) 08:29:54|
  2. Teacher
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Some last notes & the fixes

(Sorry, not the release post yet. Some last testing and fixing before I release the game, we're close, I promise!)

Before I release the game I just wanted to say that although I've been able to fix a lot of problems with the testers' help, some solution required long and repetetive fixing making it possible that some new problems have emerged in the general release. Therefore it's possible some functions might not properly work in a single very short scene only for example. Report this kind of stuff to me if you happen to run into it and I'll bring out a fixed version in the near future. And although I did my very best to avoid it, there's a slight possibility some short scenes might be missing, so if something seems odd or you were a tester and notice something missing, report it too.

Now, although not everyone that applied to be a tester replied, putting out the pre-release was very fruitful. Here's a list of things I've fixed since the pre-release version with the help of the testers. (The 'CG codes' stand for CG events. CG2C is the second CG event scene of the Class route, for example.)
*Fixed 'backgrounds disappearing when loading'-bug
*Fixed characters appearing above text caused by above bugfix
*Fixed bug where sound effect doesn't stop in CG2C and CG4T
*Fixed bug that made character disappear too when using right-click to hide textbox
*Fixed credits probably not showing correctly because of external font
*Fixed character saying 'Undefined' instead of player name
*Fixed Satomi's name showing with 'state2' behind it
*Fixed Ayaka's name showing 'pouting' behind it
*Improved issue with graphics of ass being too small in CG6T
*Fixed logbook not working after first choice
*Fixed English in 16 places
*Fixed 12 typos
*Fixed 12 bad dialogue cut-offs
*Changed dialogue for the better in 3 places

There's also some stuff I unfortunately wasn't able to fix.
-Problems with fullscreen
-Strange credits speed
-Restarting game causes the game to forget some stuff
-Quitting the game with the windows' close button causes it to crash

Update: Oh, right. From the reports I can tell you that the average 'play'time is 50 minutes for the Teacher route, and 40 minutes for the Class route. The time for the class route is based on the player finishing with one of the two endings, so it's a little longer if you go for both endings.
  1. 2013/10/26(土) 07:23:25|
  2. Teacher
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