The Matriarchy production blog


I've decided to give an update at least once a month, but I'm hoping it won't take too many of those monthly updates before release.

I now have a better idea of how much free time I have. The most I have is a few hours of time to work on this project between studying in the weekends. Not a lot, but at least development hasn't come to a standstill.

At the moment, I have two event scenes left for the Class route. The one I'm working on now will give you a choice during the scene itself, which leads you to either see the rest of the scene followed by the ending, or to an entirely new scene (the other one I have yet to make) and an alternative ending.

So basically these last two scenes/endings and the choice/dialogue itself is all I have left to make for the pre-release. After that, while I wait for the testers' reports, I will work on the problems known to me already I haven't decided to fix for the pre-release version yet.

I'll continue working on the scene right now and hopefully make as much progress as possible. :)
  1. 2013/09/14(土) 06:52:45|
  2. Teacher
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Update & Long term plans

It's been almost an entire month since my last update on this blog so this will be a long one. First I'll update you on the current situation and then I'll tell you about my current long term plans like I did with the short term ones a few blogposts ago.

First, unfortunately I won't be able to make the deadline I had set for myself (release this month). I've been more busy than expected lately, done some more touching up on the some parts of the game, and I've had some unexpected problems (one of them being a virus that is still at this moment stopping me from being able to properly work on this project).
The reason I had set this as my deadline was me starting a new education next week that will ask a lot of my time. Luckily I'm not that far away from completing the pre-release version at least, but how long it will take will be very dependent on how much free time I'll have. So I can't really give an estimate. I'll post it on this blog when the pre-release is ready and message every tester on Pixiv (or E-mail you if you gave me your E-mail) with a link.

After release, I'll keep making a new 3DCG story every once in a while, but I'll also start working on a new project in my spare time. This won't be a project that will be released any time soon, it will just be something for me to work on in the coming year or so when I have the time. It will be an eroge with one single long route/path (maybe with some alternative scenes or endings). For this I'll be asking for suggestions, but more on that when the time for it is there.

For now I'll try to take care of the virus so I can continue working. Sorry for the delay.
  1. 2013/08/26(月) 11:37:20|
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Guess the quick update yesterday wasn't really necessary after all, looks like I have something to post today.

I decided to give you a short info text and some screenshots for each route. You might not wanna read this if you wish not to be spoiled at all.

Teacher route
The teacher path is all about one character: Satomi Nakagawa. She is a teacher in her 30s and teaches a class in an all-girl elementary school. You, the main character, will be helping her with her class for a few months as your internship for a teacher education. She is gorgeous, and also nice... At first, at least.
This route is mainly centered around the femdom, smelling, farting, and scat fetish.
Satomi normal scene Satomi CG event scene
These are not new screenshots...

Class route
This route features more than one character. It starts with Ayaka, a girl from the class you're supposed to help Nakagawa-sensei teach, tricking you, and eventually two more girls, Tamako and Miho, join her in torturing their temporary teacher (you).
This route is mainly centered around the femdom, chastity, and cbt fetish, but includes several other fetishes (pissing, for example).
Class scene Class characters
...But these are!
  1. 2013/07/28(日) 11:27:56|
  2. Teacher
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Quick update

I'm having trouble with my internet connection again probably will have trouble with it for some time to come. Therefore I've decided to stop updating this blog on a weekly basis. I will post when I've got something to post and my connection allows it (like now).

As always, keep sending in ideas for things you'd like to see on Pixiv or through the comments on this blog. When possible, I will go through all of them and I'll most likely use them sooner or later. I might now always reply (I'm have a hard time replying to stuff when I haven't really got anything to say), but don't let that hold you back to send in more comments and ideas.

I'm close to finishing the cbt 3DCG story and will post it when my connection is up long enoough to be able to upload it. Hopefully today, otherwise some other day.
  1. 2013/07/27(土) 05:29:52|
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Little busy and tired today, I'll skip the update this week. Expect a cbt 3DCG story in not too long.

See you next week.
  1. 2013/07/21(日) 13:13:24|
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