The Matriarchy production blog

Get ready...

...for the pre-release, testers! I'm writing this quick blogpost to tell everyone that the pre-release version of the game is pretty much done. I have to quickly skim through it one last time and fix any glaring problems, but after that I can start uploading and sending the file for everyone who signed up to be a pre-release tester. I wish I could do it right now, but after working to finish the game a long night and a huge headache I really need some sleep. I'll start sending around the pre-release when I wake up.

I'll make sure to start working on the problems I already am aware of as soon as possible, and hope to receive most of the testers reports quickly too so I can release the final game within a week or two after the pre-release.

Thanks for your patience all this time, I'm glad I can finally release this project. I'll probably be blogging quite a lot in the coming weeks, so you'll hear more from me soon.
  1. 2013/10/18(金) 17:33:33|
  2. Teacher
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<<Pre-release released | HOME | October Update>>


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