The Matriarchy production blog

Teacher in Training version 1.1

Teacher in Training

This is a new version made by Aziien. Unlike the old release, this should work on OSX and Linux. It has improvemed functionality and a CG event gallery. This was completely done by Aziien and therefore there's no new content in terms of art or story (I think I may have added a single line somewhere?).

Aziien made this probably about 1,5 years ago, but there was a few issues left for me to fix I never got around to. A few months ago Aziien fixed the stuff I had to and then I had to bother him to change even more stuff. Then I promised to release it on The Matriarchy's 5th anniversary in February, and I forgot. So thank you Aziien for all the work and patience.
  1. 2017/03/31(金) 12:37:37|
  2. Teacher
  3. | Trackbacks:0
  4. | Comments:2
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Yeah, this version is working well on Linux, thks! ;-)

By the way, you only have Mistress Degree and Teacher in Training for now? I mean, your games are really good and I just can find these 2 to download. :(
  1. 2017/04/22(土) 06:02:43 |
  2. URL |
  3. Anyone #-
  4. [ Edit ]

Re: Anyone

Yes, those two are it for now. Only thing available besides them right now is a very short and incomplete demo of Veil of the Lotus on my Patreon.
  1. 2017/04/30(日) 08:41:06 |
  2. URL |
  3. The Necromancer #-
  4. [ Edit ]

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The Necromancer

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