The Matriarchy production blog

Veil of the Version 1.0: Allie free release

Just a notification to inform everyone who isn't able to pledge on Patreon that version 1.0 of Veil of the Lotus is now available for free. Version 1.1, which contains an extra scene and some other improvements, is still for supporters only.

The download link is in the description on Patreon.
  1. 2017/10/01(日) 11:17:50|
  2. Lotus
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Hey long time no see ! how are you doing ? i really had fun playing your game I don't regret paying for this :D, be this year a good new year for you, and don't forget to give us some news too :D!
  1. 2018/01/13(土) 14:45:50 |
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  3. Kijilo #-
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Re: Kijilo

Thank you, I'll be able to buy a decent laptop I can work on again in about a week. Then I can continue working on projects like this.
  1. 2018/01/18(木) 10:42:54 |
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  3. The Necromancer #-
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  1. 2018/05/16(水) 04:35:22 |
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Hello long time no see, i'm Always waiting for your game because I like your style
I've been worrying about your state and I Hope you've been well
  1. 2020/10/05(月) 17:49:23 |
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  3. Kijilo #-
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Re: Kijilo

I'm fine, but too busy to work on this. Also not really interested in it anymore in general, any material related to it is long gone.
  1. 2020/10/10(土) 05:40:18 |
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  3. The Necromancer #-
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Comment is pending approval.

Comment is pending blog author's approval.
  1. 2021/02/11(木) 18:07:16 |
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The Necromancer

Author:The Necromancer
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