The Matriarchy production blog

All that's left is the end

I've just finished drawing the last scene that isn't an ending scene. So all that's left for me to draw and write is the ending of the game. Unfortunately that doesn't mean I'm almost done, because the game will have six different possible endings.

I have 1,5 month left to draw 6 more scenes and at least one more character outfit/state, draw the rest of the menu variations and make them work, add in music and sound effects, and try to make a working gallery. The graphics and sound should be doable in that time even though my time is getting more spare since I'm about to move, the programming work completely depends on how well I can figure things out with my limited knowledge (if anyone knows Python and can lend his/her support, feel free to send me a mail).

That's all I have to say for now, I'll save screenshots for the monthly update posts to not spoil too much of the near-end game.

Update: All the art for Freya's route is done! 5 more endings to go.
4 more, Isis' ending is done as well.
Not once was I able to draw Morrigan's tattoos to look even close to any of them in any other pictures... Either way; 3 more scenes to go.
Secret ending is drawn. 4 endings down, just 2 more left to draw!
Diana has an ending. Almost done.
And with Selene's ending drawn, I'm basically done drawing for this game!
  1. 2014/07/16(水) 14:38:32|
  2. College
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Aw man, soooo looking forward to beta testing this. Twice as much content as TiT(lol)! Been such a drought for femdom content recently, thank god you keep plugging along :) . Cant wait to tell you how good it is after playing!!!
  1. 2014/07/23(水) 23:36:09 |
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  3. blkmage #-
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Re: blkmage

Or bad!

In a day or two a new Joousama-Soft (formerly S-Underground) game will be released btw. No scat content in those games but the demo seemed pretty good and I personally enjoyed the last game they released with the same writer.
  1. 2014/07/24(木) 03:11:57 |
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  3. The Necromancer #-
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"Or bad!"

Not even close dood! You're allready a great writer and you're art is far better than you make it out to be. Like ive said, you are on par with Msize in my eyes. Honestly the fact that I can talk and converse with you puts you above him imo.

little side note here, do you think msize will release his game next month?
  1. 2014/07/24(木) 13:18:08 |
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  3. blkmage #-
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Re: bklmage

From the general tone of the few comments he placed on his blog in the last few months in combination with there being no page for a new game, I would guess no. It's too bad since it would be his biggest break yet, but like last year around this time he keeps saying things like "I'm afraid it would be hard to release the new work this summer". Last year that meant he simply wasn't able to release it in the near future, so I personally doubt it will be any different this year. If I remember correctly the website for Maniac Lovers was up around May of that year and once in a while got updated with new teaser screenshots for the next few months, but there's still no website for his next work. So I'm afraid it will be August 2015 at the earliest, but I hope I'm wrong.

I hope I was able to partly fill the void with Teacher in Training in 2013 for Western fans and will hopefully be able to fill part of the void in 2014 with Mistress Degree, but if there's really no new game from Riumu this year I hope he'll at least have it ready by next year. Partly because I can't really play and enjoy my own games like I can enjoy other people's work, partly because I doubt I will be able to release something big in Summer 2015 myself.
  1. 2014/07/24(木) 13:35:52 |
  2. URL |
  3. The Necromancer #-
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I'll admit I was a little nervous when you posted the long list of things you needed to get done for the final piece, but you seem to be going at it over time :D Awesome job man, keep it up!
  1. 2014/07/26(土) 20:22:41 |
  2. URL |
  3. JManime #-
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Re: JManime

Yeah, I can't really properly predict how long things will take me but I decided to keep the ending events simple and now I'm pretty far ahead of schedule. The only unknown factor left now is whether I will get stuck with the programming and if so for how long.
  1. 2014/07/27(日) 05:11:32 |
  2. URL |
  3. The Necromancer #-
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