The Matriarchy production blog

July progress update

This is the last one of these updates.

Currently, I still need:
- If possible, someone to make exclusive sound effects and/or music instead of license-free stuff.
- A good simple font to use for the textbox. I've looked into some options for a while now but although it's not perfect, I'm actually getting used to the standard font.
- Anyone with knowledge of Python or Ren'Py to help me with the programming.

The goal of 29 scenes done by the end of July was reached and easily surpassed as I'm now done with drawing most of the art! I've actually been saving a radio recording I had high expectations of for the past few days and listening to other ones first until I realized I was already working on the very last scene and would never even reach that show if I saved it any longer (I only listen to talking radio and podcasts etc while I draw art, I can't write or program and listen to something at the same time). I've still got 5 hours left to listen to now and almost nothing to draw while listening to it. All that's left is one edit I have to make because I made a mistake in an older scene I drew I didn't take the time to fix yet (fixing several slides already made is a pain), and I have to do something with the menu (I still have to decide what exactly to do with it, the 'adding items' idea doesn't really work with so many possible endings/routes).

I will now continue writing the rest of the story to fit the event scenes I already drew. After that I will start trying to program the CG Gallery, and then I will go over the entire game and add appropriate music, special effects, and possibly screen shaking as I go. After that I will play the game one more time and fix anything that needs fixing before I send the game and more information to the beta testers.

Another Selene scene
Another Selene scene, but I liked this picture.

Backgrounds [18/18]
Outfits [22/22]
Scenes [34/34]
  1. 2014/07/28(月) 16:36:44|
  2. College
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