The Matriarchy production blog

April Fools

Not actually another lame April Fools joke (It isn't even April, after all).

I've written a new story without pictures. It was supposed to be a short story, but it ended up being pretty long (not as long as Her Kink, though). It's a femdom story of course, with toilet slavery as it's main theme.

You can find the first part here and the second part here.

I hope some of you might enjoy reading this while waiting for the release of Mistress Degree.

Update: I wrote a sequel to this story called Fool Me Twice. Too long for a single submission again, so read the first part here and the second part here.

Update #2: Wrote a short final part, read it here.

It looks like Pixiv has increased the character limit for novel submissions from 30.000 to 300.000. This one was more than short enough to fit in 30.000 characters, but I'm glad I'll be able to submit all written stories as a single submission from now on. If only they'd increase the Mb limit for Manga submissions now.
  1. 2014/06/29(日) 14:43:55|
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I liked it. Was sad he didn't end up with serenity though ;/
  1. 2014/07/05(土) 16:08:28 |
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  3. blkmage #-
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Re: blkmage

Sorry, a possible third story will only make that feeling worse. :P

But at least in Mistress Degree you will get a choice in who the main character ends up with!
  1. 2014/07/06(日) 07:05:11 |
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  3. The Necromancer #-
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The stories were great! And if you wanted to do a third part, I feel like Emily could use a side-story, she's clearly got a talent that needs some looking into :P

Either way, the story was a nice surprise since I know you already got your hands full with Mistress Degree, so thank you :) and hope ya had a fun fourth.
  1. 2014/07/06(日) 12:01:16 |
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  3. JManime #-
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Re: JManime

Thanks, I'll probably do a third part to finish everything off but this wasn't really meant as a series so I'll refrain from going off track. I might do a spin-off or short story with Emily in the lead some day.

And I'm not American, so Fourth of July isn't really anything where I live, but thanks anyway. :P
  1. 2014/07/06(日) 12:21:53 |
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  3. The Necromancer #-
  4. [ Edit ]

Yes good story turned me ponravilos.Zhdu forward to continuing
  1. 2014/07/07(月) 11:48:28 |
  2. URL |
  3. Minue #-
  4. [ Edit ]

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