The Matriarchy production blog

June progress update

Only two more months before I want to have the Beta version of the game released.

Currently, I still need:
- If possible, someone to make exclusive sound effects and/or music instead of license-free stuff.
- A good simple font to use for the textbox. I've looked into some options for a while now but although it's not perfect, I'm actually getting used to the standard font.
- Beta test applications are still open for now as well. You can contact me through mail (there's a contact form on the left bar of this blog) or on Pixiv (the link to my Pixiv page is on the left bar as well).

Unfortunately, I kind of lost my momentum after my weekend away instead of being recharged and wasn't able to reach my goal of 24 CG scenes done at the end of June. On the other hand, the scene I worked on these past 2 weeks was probably the most work of them all until now. The next one in the Freya route will also be a lot of work, so I think I'll switch to working on the the main route again for now to not discourage myself from being behind schedule too much.

In bed with Freya
You shouldn't sleep with your head under the covers!

Backgrounds [18/18]
Outfits [21/21]
Scenes [22/34]
  1. 2014/06/27(金) 11:27:18|
  2. College
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