I've just finished drawing the last scene that isn't an ending scene. So all that's left for me to draw and write is the ending of the game. Unfortunately that doesn't mean I'm almost done, because the game will have six different possible endings.
I have 1,5 month left to draw 6 more scenes and at least one more character outfit/state, draw the rest of the menu variations and make them work, add in music and sound effects, and try to make a working gallery. The graphics and sound should be doable in that time even though my time is getting more spare since I'm about to move, the programming work completely depends on how well I can figure things out with my limited knowledge (if anyone knows Python and can lend his/her support, feel free to send me a mail).
That's all I have to say for now, I'll save screenshots for the monthly update posts to not spoil too much of the near-end game.
All the art for Freya's route is done! 5 more endings to go.4 more, Isis' ending is done as well.Not once was I able to draw Morrigan's tattoos to look even close to any of them in any other pictures... Either way; 3 more scenes to go.Secret ending is drawn. 4 endings down, just 2 more left to draw!Diana has an ending. Almost done.And with Selene's ending drawn, I'm basically done drawing for this game!
- 2014/07/16(水) 14:38:32|
- College
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Only two more months before I want to have the Beta version of the game released.
Currently, I still need:
- If possible, someone to make exclusive sound effects and/or music instead of license-free stuff.
- A good simple font to use for the textbox. I've looked into some options for a while now but although it's not perfect, I'm actually getting used to the standard font.
- Beta test applications are still open for now as well. You can contact me through mail (there's a contact form on the left bar of this blog) or on Pixiv (the link to my Pixiv page is on the left bar as well).
Unfortunately, I kind of lost my momentum after my weekend away instead of being recharged and wasn't able to reach my goal of 24 CG scenes done at the end of June. On the other hand, the scene I worked on these past 2 weeks was probably the most work of them all until now. The next one in the Freya route will also be a lot of work, so I think I'll switch to working on the the main route again for now to not discourage myself from being behind schedule too much.

You shouldn't sleep with your head under the covers!
ProgressBackgrounds [18/18]
Outfits [21/21]
Scenes [22/34]
- 2014/06/27(金) 11:27:18|
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For me, programming is the most boring part of making an eroge game like this. So because Ren'py does a lot for me in terms of standard menu's etc, I ended up mostly just drawing and writing until now and probably until the last few weeks of development.
That didn't stop me from thinking about what I still have to or want to do though, and as I was writing another CG event scene, I thought of what might be a problem: I've been experimenting and going 'out of the box' with some scenes. For example, several scenes start with a few slides, but go back to 'normal' dialogue and sprites for a while and than the CG slides continue later. This means that in a CG Event Gallery I have to
A) show the 'normal' dialogue too
B) cut the normal parts out even if it's strange
C) split the events into seperate events in the gallery
D) make the gallery a collection of CG Event images only, without dialogue.
Right now, I'm leaning to D, because the player can make is/her own CG Event Gallery with dialogue using saves. And even though the game is longer and has a lot more event scenes compared to Teacher in Training, it also has an infinite amount of saves: there's 10 Auto-Save slots, 10 Quick-Save slots, and 8 pages of normal saves with 10 slots each, but with the possibility to use the next page button to go even past page 8 of the normal saves for as far as you want (Well, it might not be completely limitless, I haven't tried going past page 30, but you probably won't need more than 300 saves).
Oh, and I kind of promised a screenshot, so I'll post an image of a nude Freya sprite.

I wonder if the pubic hair needs mentioning? At the moment it's not adressed at all in the story since I couldn't think of a good way to do it, but I can try again if people feel it should be adressed. :P
I also thought about making a non-pubic hair version because I realize not everyone likes it, but I decided against it as making something like that optional would mean I would have to make a lot of things optional (since stuff like 'clothes or no clothes', 'make-up or no make-up', and 'glasses or no glasses' are a matter of taste as well).
- 2014/06/11(水) 04:48:32|
- College
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Time for some random rambling to take my mind of things. First of all, thanks for everyone who applied to be a beta tester already, it's a little over 10 people now I think.
Second of all, I've been picking up speed now a little more since my release goal is (as you could've seen from the beta 'poster') to have the game ready somewhere around the end of August/early September. I'm mostly drawing during the day, and writing during the night. I noticed I was getting close to the different endings of the main route, but in number I have quite a few scenes left to draw. Partly because there will be 5 different endings to that route, but mostly because it's been a while since I've worked on the side route. It's shorter than the main route, but all in all it still has quite a few scenes and I've only drawn three of them, while I've drawn 15 scenes for the main route now.
So since I was in the mood for it anyway, I've started drawing for the side route again today and will probably do some writing for it later tonight. I've already drawn yet another character state for Freya, and am about to finish up that fourth scene.
I will be busy and unable to work on anything next weekend (and the days around it because of getting ready/resting up afterwards, but I hope I will be able to have about 24 scenes done by the end of this month, because 5 scenes a month after that should be doable (I'm done with both backgrounds and character states now unless I decide to add some more) in combination with finally doing some programming and adding stuff like music and sound effects.
Sorry for making you read useless information like this, but it helps me put everything in order in my mind and at the same time shows you I'm still alive. And a wall of text like this will also make me feel like I should post a screenshot in my next update. :P Anyway, thanks for all the support and don't be afraid to comment or message me about anything, I read and get motivated by it all.
- 2014/06/09(月) 13:06:36|
- College
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