The Matriarchy production blog


I've decided to give an update at least once a month, but I'm hoping it won't take too many of those monthly updates before release.

I now have a better idea of how much free time I have. The most I have is a few hours of time to work on this project between studying in the weekends. Not a lot, but at least development hasn't come to a standstill.

At the moment, I have two event scenes left for the Class route. The one I'm working on now will give you a choice during the scene itself, which leads you to either see the rest of the scene followed by the ending, or to an entirely new scene (the other one I have yet to make) and an alternative ending.

So basically these last two scenes/endings and the choice/dialogue itself is all I have left to make for the pre-release. After that, while I wait for the testers' reports, I will work on the problems known to me already I haven't decided to fix for the pre-release version yet.

I'll continue working on the scene right now and hopefully make as much progress as possible. :)
  1. 2013/09/14(土) 06:52:45|
  2. Teacher
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