The Matriarchy production blog

Teacher in Training release

Teacher in Training
  1. 2013/10/26(土) 08:29:54|
  2. Teacher
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great work as expected, congratulations from a fan !!
  1. 2013/10/28(月) 14:12:09 |
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  3. southern anon #-
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I wish this worked on Droid...
  1. 2013/10/29(火) 12:06:38 |
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  3. someone #-
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Well overall it is a pretty good game.The speed up is nice pace.

Now there is a few things i wish you could of have done,but it would have increased workload. maybe if you ever do a second one you could implement the ideas.

Option of choosing gender and more decisions would have been nice since they are so far apart from one another. Lastly giving a reason too play it more then the 3 times like alternate costumes or getting new students or teachers to bully the player character each time we play it.

You could turn it into a Visual text based RPG with unusual stats like lies/truth which both could get you punished based on the npc if you mess up. Submissive/Dominate you might be doomed to submissive slave of bullies or the one that dominates instead of being bullied. Cuteness/Masculine. Cuteness gets you less harsh punishments if you face them,but you can't take as much punishment,while Masculine gets you more harsh punishments if you face them and you can take more punishment.
  1. 2014/01/15(水) 21:44:27 |
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  3. Nekohime #-
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Re: Nekohime

Thank you for the feedback. I'm working on a second game right now (see newer blog posts), but although I like your ideas I just switched to new software and for now my goals for my second game are simple to make it bigger. There will be a secret ending that can only be unlocked by finishing the game though.

I do have plans to make dating sim-like game, but that would be my third game.
  1. 2014/01/16(木) 06:40:50 |
  2. URL |
  3. The Necromancer #-
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Reply to : Nekohime

For the record (and I'm not trying to start an argument) I think what The Necromancer is doing is great, and making the second game more expensive is all, if not more, then what I can ask for. I personally, don't see the need to change genders in the game, I think that adds extra otherwise unnecessary work when making scenes showing the main character, since you'd have to now make double the amount of those scenes to show a female. If this option becomes popular a possible way around it would be that, if you choose female, the CGs that show the character won't show up during the scene (but then you don't get to experience the full game).

And I was never a fan of the RPG-maker games, so all I can say is just keep doing what you're doing Necromancer I loved your VN game and I'm looking forward to your next one :)
  1. 2014/01/16(木) 21:34:55 |
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  3. #-
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Re: Anon

I'd rather write in or someday make a route about F/F femdom then let the player play as one instead of a male because it would feel a little unnatural to just change the gender, I think.

I won't switch to RPG-maker. And expansive, not trying to make it more expensive. :P
  1. 2014/01/16(木) 23:56:51 |
  2. URL |
  3. The Necromancer #-
  4. [ Edit ]


nice to meet you! I love played your game.

  1. 2014/05/23(金) 20:43:36 |
  2. URL |
  3. fdd #MS4DxwAY
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Re: fdd

Thank you, I'm working on a new game right now.
  1. 2014/05/24(土) 04:58:46 |
  2. URL |
  3. The Necromancer #-
  4. [ Edit ]

Nice poster

Nice poster for the game, really funny! Hope game will be the same cool!
  1. 2015/02/27(金) 00:30:11 |
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  3. - best dissertation help #EOC1u7kI
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Hi, I am trying to play Teacher in Training but I am having problems. I downloaded it however, when I try to use 7zip to extract it it says the file cannot be opened as an archive. Any help you can offer me would be greatly appreciated.
  1. 2015/09/06(日) 05:58:34 |
  2. URL |
  3. OtakuBeat #-
  4. [ Edit ]

Re: OtakuBeat

I just downloaded the game and tried extracting it with 7zip and did not run into any problems. All I can think of is that something went wrong while downloading and the file got corrupted. If you haven't already, try to download it again.
  1. 2015/09/06(日) 07:50:49 |
  2. URL |
  3. The Necromancer #-
  4. [ Edit ]


I just downloaded it for the third time and it worked this time, thanks for the help and the game!
  1. 2015/09/06(日) 18:58:39 |
  2. URL |
  3. OtakuBeat #-
  4. [ Edit ]

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The Necromancer

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