The Matriarchy production blog

One screenshot as promised

Selene screenshot
  1. 2014/02/10(月) 06:50:28|
  2. College
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New Project

New project? What about the new game? I'll explain.

Right now, I'm neither studying nor working since about a week or two. I'll resume my studies in about 6-7 months, but for now I have nothing but 'free time'. On one hand, this is good news in terms of progress for the new game, on the other, it might not be. For now, I am indeed making quick progress. I have a lot more backgrounds and character states done now than the January Progress Update reflects, and am currently working on the first event scene. But I'm also going to release my second game for free once again, and unfortunately I do need some sort of income. Therefore, I'm looking for temporary jobs or jobs with few hours at the moment. This way, I have the posibility to decline some of the temporary work I'm offered to work on the game. Some income from this dirty 'hobby' of mine would allow me to decline more work, but I want to keep the games free and am not sure about donations.

Hence this side project. I've mailed a little with the owner of a website called The Doll Project ( On this website, you have several stories centered around a girl who will receive 'augmentations' on their body. What will be changed, is decided through polls on the website. When the polls are closed, a story will start collecting 'pills', and when the required amount of pills is reached, the author of the story will make the next pages according to the poll results. To get to the required amount of pills, registered members have to spend their pills on the story. Every member gets 2 free pills per day, but you can buy more pills to spend. Spending pills will also increase your voting power on polls. The money earned from premium pills will go to the author of the story the pills are spend on.

Since body modification is one of my fetishes too (see 3DCG story Sakura), I've decided to draw and write a story on Doll Project as well. Because pills have to be collected first, it won't take too much of my time away from working on the game and it will even be a nice little distraction.

More information to come, but I hope some of you will register on the DollProject and donate to my story (or any other story you like) and with that also donate to The Matriarchy Productions in general.

End of wall of text, I'll post a game screenshot tomorrow to make it up.
  1. 2014/02/09(日) 16:34:34|
  2. DollProject
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January progress update

I decided on monthly progress updates. I will put my total progress on the College game in numbers at the bottom of each update, and show one new screenshot. The number after the / can also be increased if I think if more scenes/outfits/backgrounds or get suggestions I want to use.

Currently, I still need:
- A name for the game. I would use something like the name of the school if it wasn't for that name having been used many times before.
- If possible, someone to make exclusive sound effects and/or music instead of license-free stuff.
- A good font everyone has (so it doesn't have to be installed).

And unrelated to the game, but I made some small changes to the blog in terms of amount of search results/recent blogposts listed on the left panel.

Freya College
Not a final image as the font and possibly other stuff will be changed, but it does show the new screen size. I decided to keep backgrounds simple as I will be making a lot more of them than in Teacher in Training. The textbox will become bigger in size with a lot of text. This doesn't mean I will fill up the already big textbox, but it does mean that parts of the text not show up on certain resolutions like in TiT should not be able to happen in this game. The textbox is hidable again, of course.

Backgrounds [4/15]
Outfits [5/18]
Scenes [0/21]
  1. 2014/01/29(水) 08:31:38|
  2. College
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Story outline done

That was the last of the character files.

The entire basic story outline has been written down now too. I've started writing and programming, and will continue making the graphics as I need them.

If what I have written down now will be the way the game ends up, there will be 15 different backgrounds this time. And the 6 important characters will have a combined total of 18 different outfits throughout the game. That's 3 outfits per character on average, but obviously some will have more than others (Morrigan and the secret character only have one each).

Keep the suggestions coming, I can still implement whatever I want now. And yay for most blog updates in a month until now!
  1. 2014/01/13(月) 15:03:03|
  2. College
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  4. | Comments:1


Character file: Morrigan
  1. 2014/01/13(月) 14:01:10|
  2. College
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