The Matriarchy production blog

Story outline done

That was the last of the character files.

The entire basic story outline has been written down now too. I've started writing and programming, and will continue making the graphics as I need them.

If what I have written down now will be the way the game ends up, there will be 15 different backgrounds this time. And the 6 important characters will have a combined total of 18 different outfits throughout the game. That's 3 outfits per character on average, but obviously some will have more than others (Morrigan and the secret character only have one each).

Keep the suggestions coming, I can still implement whatever I want now. And yay for most blog updates in a month until now!
  1. 2014/01/13(月) 15:03:03|
  2. College
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<<January progress update | HOME | Morrigan>>


Awesome man, it's good to hear that you already have the story lined up, and the amount of extra detail you're adding to the game sounds amazing! If I could make a request though, could you add a little more variety in terms of sound FX, I'm not too technical so I don't know how much of a pain in the ass that'd be, but if its not too hard I'd appreciate it.
  1. 2014/01/17(金) 21:42:12 |
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  3. JManime #-
  4. [ Edit ]

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