The Matriarchy production blog

Drawn femdom community

The Hentai-Femdom forums have been down for quite some time now, and in this time I haven't really been able to find a replacement. Drawn femdom isn't really welcomed at most normal femdom forums, general hentai forums aren't really about the more extreme femdom, and the new Gurochan has been down as well now for a few days (although that's specifically for drawn scat in the /s/ board and not femdom).

I would like to see a community specifically for any and all kinds of drawn or 3D femdom content. If I had the knowledge, I would've set something up myself a long time ago, but unfortunately I don't. I've now put a free adult forum online here, but I haven't heard good things about these free services and they might delete the forum without notice.

For now I hope there's at least a few other people that miss or would be interested in a community like this and are willing to post/discuss things on the forum. I'm not expecting much in terms of activity, but I figured I could give it a shot. I'm still setting things up as I post this, but I hope some of you will pay the forum a visit and register.

If there's anyone with the knowledge to set up something cheap that is willing to help me out, contact me by E-mail. Or if you do know of a good community with this subject, you can contact me as well.

tl;dr: Go to and start posting.
  1. 2014/08/23(土) 13:04:19|
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My Queen's throne WIP

Here's the cover for the Freya sequel comic to Mistress Degree I'm working on right now. I feel like it needs something on the background, but I wouldn't know what.

My Queen's throne cover

The comic will continue from sometime after the end of the Freya route of the game. Freya's story continuing was the result of the votes the beta testers cast for what was their favorite character. It was a tie between her and the character from the secret ending for a while, but in the end Freya ended up being the clear winner with a 2-vote lead.

I actually don't know how long this comic is going to be as I don't have the entire story for it in my head just yet. Except for the cover the comic will be in black-and-white. Working in this format is entirely new to me but I hope having read tons of manga and doujinshi will help me make a decent panel composition or a decent comic in general.

Thanks for all the reactions on the game, I hope people will stick around for my future work.
  1. 2014/08/19(火) 16:47:51|
  2. College
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Mistress Degree release

Mistress Degree release
Download here
  1. 2014/08/17(日) 15:33:41|
  2. College
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Before release

I've finished with the real credit scroll and checked about half the game. I will try to release the game in the next few hours. A few things I want to mention before release to keep the release post clean:

- The game is about 3 hours long. Most testers have provided me with the data of how long it took them to play through the game, and these 3 hours were the average of that (well, it was 2 minutes short for a three 3 hour average to be exact). Some of you read fast and will go through it faster, others slower.

- If you think you should be in the credits, are in the credits and want to be taken out, or I mistyped your nickname in the credits, you can contact me and I'll release a new version of the game with a correction.

- The button for hiding text is now the middle mouse button/scrollwheel (press it) or with the 'H' key. I changed this at first, but it changed back by itself and because these are Ren'py's defaults for this option that's the keys shown in the Help file so I decided to keep it this way.

Just a few more testing and some changes left to make!
  1. 2014/08/17(日) 14:00:40|
  2. College
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Release date

I will be busy all day or most of the day tomorrow, Sunday, and Tuesday. I will be getting more busy in general, so I'd like to release the game as soon as possible, which would be on Monday, the 18th of August. This can be anywhere on that day depending on how soon I'm done fixing the issues and typo's the testers have found, and will be in my timezone so depending on your timezone it can be sooner or later.

I've gone through 2 of the 9 beta test reports I've received so far. If you're a beta tester and still have to send me a nickname you want me to credit you with, a vote for your favorite character, or the beta test report itself, please do so before Monday.

Update: I've now gone through all 11 beta test reports I've received. I will go through the game myself now (not because I don't trust the testers got everything, but because I might have made a mistake while correcting mistakes/problems the testers reported. Depending on how fast I go through the game, I might actually release the game tonight.
  1. 2014/08/15(金) 11:18:47|
  2. College
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