The Matriarchy production blog

Before release

I've finished with the real credit scroll and checked about half the game. I will try to release the game in the next few hours. A few things I want to mention before release to keep the release post clean:

- The game is about 3 hours long. Most testers have provided me with the data of how long it took them to play through the game, and these 3 hours were the average of that (well, it was 2 minutes short for a three 3 hour average to be exact). Some of you read fast and will go through it faster, others slower.

- If you think you should be in the credits, are in the credits and want to be taken out, or I mistyped your nickname in the credits, you can contact me and I'll release a new version of the game with a correction.

- The button for hiding text is now the middle mouse button/scrollwheel (press it) or with the 'H' key. I changed this at first, but it changed back by itself and because these are Ren'py's defaults for this option that's the keys shown in the Help file so I decided to keep it this way.

Just a few more testing and some changes left to make!
  1. 2014/08/17(日) 14:00:40|
  2. College
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