The Matriarchy production blog


I have (almost) no experience with making music, and therefore no good way to get fitting background music for this eroge. I'd rather not use royalty free music, but it's still the better solution compared to me fiddling around for weeks with music programs to get sub-par results.

So even though I can't expect anything out of this, I have to ask: is there anyone with experience making music willing to make background music for this project? If there is, the easiest way to personally contact me is through my Pixiv page (see left sidebar), with a personal message. I can't offer anything in terms of compensation but early access to the game, the pre-release.

PS: Having to study for exams makes want to work on this project... I've been making a lot more progress on this than I should. I may actually be able to show some things before this 'break' is over.
  1. 2013/04/28(日) 04:49:23|
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I might be able to help in a different way, I'll send you a message on pixiv
  1. 2013/04/28(日) 18:20:11 |
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  3. JManime #-
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