The Matriarchy production blog

Veil of the Lotus

Celestial Academy is a college with many clubs. Most of them are sport clubs, more for the active and sporty type of person. I am not one of those persons. Other clubs are about debating, tutoring, or helping make the school a better place. I am not that good a guy. Some clubs are more about nerdy stuff like a TV show or comics. I am probably not enough of a nerd to fit in there.

But there is one club that is truly unique. A club that does not advertise itself like the others do. A club that is best described as a hidden flower.

A club that has no events its members need to help out with. A club where it is not necessary for you to show up very often. A club that does not require me moving around a lot. Truly a club fitting for a lazy person like myself.

Celestial Academy's literature club only has one other member. But that one member is a person I would gladly help out. The reason I do not mind showing up at the club very often even if I don't have to. For her, I would even have no problem performing any physical exercise she requires from me.

A closed Lotus flower with big and rough petals covering its core, the lake it is floating on preventing people from getting close enough to look between those petals and discovering the flower's true nature. The visible side of its petals does not look nearly as beautiful as the flowers around it, but all it has to do to be even more beautiful than those surrounding flowers is open up and show the unique colors hidden inside.
  1. 2014/11/21(金) 11:54:58|
  2. Lotus
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