The Matriarchy production blog

My Queen's throne

The comic is finished and can be found at the above link. It's a short comic at 10 pages (12 including the frontpage and last page), but it was my first one and I learned a lot playing around with the paneling and black-and-white and am planning to make a long-running comic series in the future.

If you have a hard time reading the text/SFX, you can use one of the icons in the top right to enlarge the pages.

I was in a bit of a rush to finish this tonight, as from now on I will likely be very busy. I will be away from tomorrow until Sunday evening, so it's unlikely I'll be able to answer any mail/comments during that period.

With this the 'Mistress Degree' project is officially brought to an end.
  1. 2014/08/28(木) 16:18:24|
  2. College
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<<Msize is back! | HOME | Proofread my comic please>>



I really look forward the urethra teasing with Freya!! holy cow.. that was epic job keep them coming!
  1. 2014/09/24(水) 15:56:27 |
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  3. Okoi #-
  4. [ Edit ]

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The Necromancer

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