The Matriarchy production blog


With my old laptop slowly dying and slowing down my work speed with an increasing amount of problems, I've decided to open donations. All donations will help me develop games in the future (new hardware, possibly hiring music composers/voice actors, or simply being able to decline some paid work and working on games instead), and are anonymous.

Since PayPal doesn't accept transferring money for 'adult' purposes and doesn't have the option to keep both donator and me anonymous, I've decided to only accept BitCoin donations. The easiest and cheapest way to acquire BitCoins is probably by looking up a local website where you can buy/sell BitCoins. Personally, I set up my BitCoin wallet (1LiL2ZWNuZ3ZZwVg3Sf94Akw7hUxUzBYNG) online through, though you don't need a BitCoin wallet to donate since you can just fill out my wallet adress to transfer the funds to. For more information/an easy explanation, this thread helped me a lot.

If you want to be in the credits of my next game as a sponsor, send me an E-mail with the last three numbers of your donation amount in BitCoins and the nickname you would like me to use to If you for any reason can't or don't want to donate through BitCoin, you can also contact me on the same E-mail adress.

Any amount no matter how small is more than welcome. A big thank you to anyone willing to support me.
  1. 2014/05/12(月) 10:44:31|
  2. None
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The Necromancer

Author:The Necromancer
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Please consider donating if you like my work and wish to support it. All donations will fully go to the development of future games. Read 'blog-entry-54.html' for more info (add everything between the brackets behind my blog url).

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