The Matriarchy production blog


I was lying yesterday. Just in case someone really took me serious, I'll make it up with a screenshot again.

Isis bondage outfit
I wish I could have shown a fitting screenshot that actually had stuff that would need censoring, but unless you want to see male genitalia, I don't have anything ready. So I decided on this screencap even though it happens to be with the same background as the screenshot of a few days ago, but I hid the textbox for once. I kind of like this outfit.
  1. 2014/04/02(水) 03:48:13|
  2. College
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<<Working the nightshift | HOME | Censoring>>


outfit looks pretty good! I hope the meaning for using it means naughty things :p
  1. 2014/04/02(水) 14:40:31 |
  2. URL |
  3. Umbra #-
  4. [ Edit ]

Re: Umbra

It does! Those high red boots have pointy high heels for naughty and/or painful uses.
  1. 2014/04/02(水) 15:25:06 |
  2. URL |
  3. The Necromancer #-
  4. [ Edit ]

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The Necromancer

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