The Matriarchy production blog


Character file: Isis
  1. 2014/01/08(水) 01:49:47|
  2. College
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  4. | Comments:3
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love the character, sounds great so far! Is she going to be the main focus of the story, or is she just one of several girls?
  1. 2014/01/08(水) 18:28:50 |
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As one of the Testers that really really enjoys and apprecciates your 3dcd stories and your first game im really glad to hear you are already on another one.
The idea seems to be full of potential for most sorts of ideas and "things" to happen.
So thanks and keep on going!
  1. 2014/01/08(水) 18:29:26 |
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  3. Guy76 #-
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Re: Anon & Guy76

> love the character, sounds great so far! Is she going to be the main focus of the story, or is she just one of several girls?

Isis is going to be the main focus of the story, but there will be other girls as well. I will probably be able to post the character file of another girl in not too long.

> As one of the Testers that really really enjoys and apprecciates your 3dcd stories and your first game im really glad to hear you are already on another one. The idea seems to be full of potential for most sorts of ideas and "things" to happen. So thanks and keep on going!

Thanks for testing and commenting. I want to include as many ideas as possible, so if you happen to have any they're more than welcome.
  1. 2014/01/08(水) 23:53:27 |
  2. URL |
  3. The Necromancer #-
  4. [ Edit ]

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The Necromancer

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