The Matriarchy production blog


I've only been able to finish up the third CG Event Scene for the Class route this week. Although I was supposed to have lot more free time now that I'm on summer break, unfortunately I can't afford not accepting jobs at the moment, meaning I'm working quite a lot now. I wish I could decline work and have more free time to work on this project, but since I need the money and this game will be free, I can't. Sorry about that, but I'm still aiming to finish this before the end of August.

- Finished 1 CG Event Scene
  1. 2013/07/14(日) 07:06:56|
  2. Teacher
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  4. | Comments:2
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No worries, real life should always come first, but it's good to here that you're still finding time to make progress.

Keep up the good work man :D
  1. 2013/07/14(日) 16:45:02 |
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  3. JManime #-
  4. [ Edit ]

I agree with JManime.
  1. 2013/07/18(木) 14:13:48 |
  2. URL |
  3. southern anon #-
  4. [ Edit ]

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