The Matriarchy production blog

Finally started working on this

Took me way too long to get started on part 2 of this project, now it appears Maya's artstyle is the thing that has changed more than any of the story's modifications.
Maya part 2 preview
Not sure if it's much better though.
  1. 2015/07/26(日) 06:06:04|
  2. DollProject
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The model on the left side looks better in my opinion. Good job.
  1. 2015/08/03(月) 15:32:16 |
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  3. Anon #-
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Re: Anon

Ahw, guess that means my art has gotten even worse.
  1. 2015/08/04(火) 04:38:41 |
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  3. The Necromancer #-
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I actually like the model on the right side
She looks alot more dominant
i love the glasses on her
kinda my weakspot xD in the first place
  1. 2015/08/04(火) 14:05:06 |
  2. URL |
  3. Aggressive Zone #-
  4. [ Edit ]

Re: Aggressive Zone

She's still the sub in her story so looking dominant might also not be a very good thing. :P
  1. 2015/08/05(水) 04:46:50 |
  2. URL |
  3. The Necromancer #-
  4. [ Edit ]

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The Necromancer

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