The Matriarchy production blog

Hardware upgrade

I've spent the past few days cleaning my computer and giving it a slight upgrade in hardware that will hopefully allow me to work with a little less lag. I can't get the back-up version for my Photoshop version to work, so I have decided to download the newest CS version instead so I'll be putting back my preferences, recreating my standard brushes and try to get used to the new version in the next few days. So I'll be working at a slower pace for now but if everything goes according to plan be able to work faster than ever in the near future.
  1. 2015/06/17(水) 08:43:06|
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Good luck !

No problem ! Take your time ! I'm sure the result will be good ^^!
  1. 2015/06/22(月) 14:58:51 |
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  3. Kijilo #-
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