The Matriarchy production blog

My Queen's throne WIP

Here's the cover for the Freya sequel comic to Mistress Degree I'm working on right now. I feel like it needs something on the background, but I wouldn't know what.

My Queen's throne cover

The comic will continue from sometime after the end of the Freya route of the game. Freya's story continuing was the result of the votes the beta testers cast for what was their favorite character. It was a tie between her and the character from the secret ending for a while, but in the end Freya ended up being the clear winner with a 2-vote lead.

I actually don't know how long this comic is going to be as I don't have the entire story for it in my head just yet. Except for the cover the comic will be in black-and-white. Working in this format is entirely new to me but I hope having read tons of manga and doujinshi will help me make a decent panel composition or a decent comic in general.

Thanks for all the reactions on the game, I hope people will stick around for my future work.
  1. 2014/08/19(火) 16:47:51|
  2. College
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Really looking forward for it, great job and thanks for everything! :)
  1. 2014/08/23(土) 12:49:07 |
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Re: Anon

Thank you for commenting. I've been trying and until now managed to finish a page every day (there's 4 finished pages now, not counting the cover) and enjoy the new experience of making a comic like this.
  1. 2014/08/23(土) 13:07:26 |
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  3. The Necromancer #-
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