The Matriarchy production blog

No progress...

Short update this week.

Sorry, I've been spending way too much time on a single picture of the first CG event scene in the second route to make any significant progress these past 2 weeks. This picture turns out to be quite a lot of work, but even though it'll barely get any screentime at all and I'll only get to use it once, I feel like I can't ignore it by using a black background and a description.

Hopefully I'll be able to get more work done this coming week.
  1. 2013/06/09(日) 05:42:36|
  2. Teacher
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No worries, you've had other priorities lately with your finals, so I'm not completely surprised that you weren't able to put your focus on the game.

And to be honest it's good to here that you're putting time and care into each CG scene.
  1. 2013/06/13(木) 19:17:05 |
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  3. JManime #-
  4. [ Edit ]

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