The Matriarchy production blog

As promised

Lotus screen
  1. 2016/01/03(日) 08:06:16|
  2. Lotus
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  4. | Comments:3
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She's a beauty ! You're making me more and more impatient >~<
  1. 2016/01/05(火) 15:44:28 |
  2. URL |
  3. Kijilo #-
  4. [ Edit ]

Re: Kijilo

Thanks for always commenting. I have less than a month of working full-time left now, I assume I'll be able to speed things up by a lot then and I'll try to give a realistic release window when I can make a good estimate.
  1. 2016/01/07(木) 13:51:05 |
  2. URL |
  3. The Necromancer #-
  4. [ Edit ]

No problem it's a pleasure and i'm sure you need some support ! so i'll be there whenever you'll post a new thing ^o^
  1. 2016/01/09(土) 03:11:01 |
  2. URL |
  3. Kijilo #-
  4. [ Edit ]

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The Necromancer

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