The Matriarchy production blog

Let me make it up to you

Sorry about yesterday, horrible April fools joke. Especially since my real art isn't exactly better. But I am going to show some real screenshots now, to make up for yesterday. Yesterdays pieces of art were actually somehow based on this.

Satomi normal scene Satomi CG event scene
I hope you'll forgive the bad... Everything.

The first one is a 'normal' scene, the second one is the first CG event scene of the Satomi route. I don't think these spoil too much.
Partly because it's still my roots, but most importantly because it helps me a lot, part of the art is based on 3DCG mods and poses. Satomi-sensei's hair and dress for example.

Although they may differ in size since I cropped these screenshots quite losely, the full-size versions of these thumbnails (click) are the same size as the actual windowed gamescreen. Pretty small to hide a small part of the bad art, but there is a full-screen option if you really want to.

I'll probably change and improve some of the art in small ways, but big improvements will have to wait until the next project for now.
Edit: Just noticed the awkward placing of the clock in the first screenshot (the white thing sticking out of her hair). I'll have to fix that.
  1. 2013/04/02(火) 07:57:02|
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As promised, here are some screenshots of the 'Satomi' route.

This is the main character of this route. As you can see, she's really beautiful.
Hitomi character

This is her sitting at a table in the library. You can really see it's a library table because of all the details.
Hitomi CG event scene

It's all looking pretty amazing, even if I do say so myself.
  1. 2013/04/01(月) 05:21:06|
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Location, location, location

Unclear or Japan. Those are the two best ways I can think of to handle the setting in my stories. And although there might have been some hints at Japan in my stories before (I've always used Japanese names, for example), I think I've generally gone with 'unclear'. This time, I've gone with Japan.

It is the land where visual novels/eroge originates from, and the country I know the most about besides my own country in terms of customs, school systems, etc. Although it might not seem that important, this choice brings some changes with it. The most important one being the way characters adress each other. Besides surnames being used a little more often, there's also suffixes. One on hand these might be somewhat confusing for people that don't have any experience with Japanese media, but on the other hand it makes it a lot easier for me to make clear relationships between characters without actually having to explain them. And I'm guessing most people that've gotten here through Pixiv do have at least some experience with some form of modern Japanese media and know the basics of Japanese suffixes. Therefore I've decided to go with a modern Japanese setting this time, with the risk of being a bit weeaboo.

Obviously I can still change it if people don't think this si the right way to handle it, but for now I'm writing the story with Japan in mind. That means suffixes, taking of your 'outside' shoes when entering a home (I've partly ignored this at school though), a Japanese school system, and other details.

I've made a lot of progress this week. I was thinking of releasing it near the end of August at its latest, but at my current speed I will most likely be able to finish a lot sooner than that. I might post some screenshots tomorrow.

- New character + 2 extra states
- New background
- Extra background version
- Touched up older background
- Completed 2 CG event scenes
- First choice (+ the buttons)
- Added sound effects
- Bugfix
  1. 2013/03/31(日) 04:24:20|
  2. Teacher
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Blog & General information

I decided to make this a weekly blog from this post onwards. Every sunday (my timezone) I'll post a new blog. Every blogpost, I'll talk about some issue I've ran into or something I'd like to get readers opinions on/help with, give some new information about the game, or introduce a character (and include some screenshots). At the end of every post, I'll write a changelog of my progress that week. I think this will help motivate me to put as much free time as I can into this project (and maybe get a little less sleep, I worked on it until past 4am local time last night).

The subject of this post wil be general information about the game. As most people already know, it will be a femdom game from a male perspective. You can name the male protagonist yourself. During normal conversations, you won't see the protagonist, only the girl(s) your talking to. All like in most eroge.
The rest of the game will be like most eroge too, I'm not planning on doing anything different as I think the concept works just fine. That means that it will almost entirely be nothing more than clicking to go to the next dialogue screen, some event scenes in between for sexual or important parts, and a few route-deciding choices.

At the moment, I'm planning on making 2 different 'main routes'.
> The first one with an experienced and a little more mature female teacher that the protagonist will be working with during his internship. He will help this woman teach her class at an all-girl elementary school. This route will be all about the smell and scat fetishes.
> The second main route will feature more than just one heroine: It will be the class itself. I'm not going to make 20 to 30 characters + their different states for this as this would take a huge amount of time and it wouldn't be worth it since most of them would barely get any screentime. Therefore, I've decided on making a couple of important girls. These (probably about three) girls will be the ones to get their own visual character during dialogue scenes and will be talking the most, other girls will have to do without a character design when talking. In event scenes, I probably will include other girls in some cases. This route will center around a fetish I've barely used before and therefore might be not to everyone's liking: cbt. It will also include some other fetishes that can't really be put under the cbt label, but I feel like going in to those might spoil a little too much. This route will probably have not one but two possible endings.

At this moment, I'm at the point where I'm just about to start designing the school girls. That means this is your chance: If you've got any preferences, fetishes, or just things you like seeing in a small girl's character design, you can now suggest it. Think about clothes (e.g. "White knee socks"), hair (e.g. "Pigtails"), accessories (e.g. "Glasses"), skin color, eye color, anything else you can think of. Since I'm not expecting a whole lot of comments, the chance of me using you're suggestions is pretty big. As long as I like it, I'll probably use it. And even if I can't use your suggestion for one of the main girls, I can still use it in an event scenes that includes other girls.

- Completed the female teacher character + one extra state
- Made a hallway and a classroom background
- Made it possible to hide the textbox with a right mouseclick
- Changed font and used a shadow effect for extra visibility
  1. 2013/03/24(日) 05:07:17|
  2. Teacher
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First game

Hi. I've started this blog as a more easy way to receive feedback and suggestions, and post updates on the development of my first eroge game since Pixiv doesn't have a blogging service anymore. Before this, I've just been using 3D Custom Girl to post short fetish stories on my Pixiv page.

Although it's been a long time since I've last drawn anything, I've decided to pick it back up for this project. As this is more of a learning project and I don't expect it to be even close to up to par with the many amazing eroge and other visual novels Japan has to offer, this will be released completely free when it's complete. As the current results of the poll suggest I should work on both this game project and on still releasing 3DCG short stories once in a while, I will do so.

Now as for my current progress with this project: I don't have a lot of free time lately (and still in the coming months) and therefore haven't made a lot of progress, but I have been able to work on it once in a while. Right now, I have a basic outline of the setting, characters, 'scenes', and plot branches. I don't know how far I should go in 'spoiling' things, but I can tell you the main character is a teacher in education who's just starting his internship on an elementary school. Yes, I said his. Until now, all of my stories have been yuri (lesbian) and I've avoided even mentioning any men. I know the fact that this game won't be yuri femdom but normal femdom might disappoint some people, but like most eroge the male main will barely be 'on screen'. After all, you, the player, are supposed to be playing the role of the main character. Since I'm guessing most if not all the people that read and like my stories are male, I hope there will be no problem for most of you to play this role. Oh, just to be clear: it's the submissive one. It's still femdom, after all.
But I'm straying from the subject I started with in this paragraph: Currently, you can choose your own first and surname at the start of the game, and play the start of the story until the main character meets one of the major 'girls' for the first time. I have yet to make any of the GUI besides the simple text box. The first female character design is done, the line-art and coloring for the first 'state' of this character is done too. Only the shading is left, although this is probably the most work.

Thank you to anyone that has actually bothered to read this through. Although I'm sure I will barely get any, I welcome any kind of comments both her or as a private message on my Pixiv.

As for the question I would like to ask in this post: What do you want me to do with this blog? For example, I can tell you all about the characters and what fetishes I'm planning to use in the game, but some might consider this spoilers. If you've got any opinion on what I should and what I shouldn't post here to give as much development information as possible without spoiling too much, please comment so I can consider your opinions when making future blogposts. Any other comments or suggestions about the game itself are more than welcome too.

You can check the 'private comment' box if you only want me to see your comment.
  1. 2013/03/21(木) 13:12:36|
  2. Teacher
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