Sorry I haven't posted anything this month, I couldn't think of anything worth mentioning.
Currently, I still need:
- If possible, someone to make exclusive sound effects and/or music instead of license-free stuff.
- A good font to use for the textbox that everyone has (so it doesn't have to be installed).
I've been drawing fulltime for the past few days for this and the DollProject while listening to podcasts. I'm having some trouble making the main menu's background image show correctly, but that's more a case of having to give it another look and trying some things than actually being stuck.
I'm almost done with the first 'phase', everything before the first choice/routesplit. This time there's 3 CG event scenes before the first choice, and I'm done with drawing all those and all other graphics necessary for me to finish it, I just have to finish writing/programming. This time I will just work on whatever route I'm most in the 'mood' for after that, in contrast to during the development of Teacher in Training where I forced myself to finish the Teacher route before starting work on the Class route. This will also allow me to easily add in new ideas later in either route as I'm still working on both of them.

I'm not sure if I want to move this character sprite a little to the left, since her hair makes the automatic centering show her a little far to the right.
ProgressBackgrounds [10/15]
Outfits [12/19]
Scenes [3/29]
- 2014/03/28(金) 11:16:49|
- College
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We're nearing the end of the month again, so time for a new monthly progress update.
Currently, I still need:
- If possible, someone to make exclusive sound effects and/or music instead of license-free stuff.
- A good font to use for the textbox that everyone has (so it doesn't have to be installed).
- Ideas for scenes other than scat scenes (what is supposed to be the main route is becoming shorter than the scat route that was supposed to be a short sideroute)
I'm working on the main menu right now, for which I'm planning (as I said in the last update) to have new objects appear as you progress through the game. Since I can do this with the new software I'm using, technically I should also be able to include a CG Event Gallery this time. I just have to learn how exactly. :P
Also, with the current amount of planned scenes, this game should be at least twice as long as Teacher in Training. :)

I can probably make CG scenes faster this time around without losing quality (not that there's any quality to speak of with my art in the first place) by working more efficient. Or less retarded, if you want to put it that way, because I used to just draw a scene starting with the first 'slide', and then editting it to the next slide, even though that might be really inefficient in some cases. Now, I'm drawing the entire background first so I can move stuff around without having to worry about the parts directly behind the moved character/object not being drawn, and I actually think before just drawing the first slide I need. The above picture is the first of the scene, but I made a version without the boots on first, since it's obviously easier to just draw boots over the bootless feet.
ProgressBackgrounds [10/15]
Outfits [9/19]
Scenes [1/24]
- 2014/02/26(水) 04:25:59|
- College
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I just finished the first CG event scene and would like to start working on the main menu now. My idea for the main menu is to start out with a pretty empty and simple picture that will gradually have items added to it as you progress through the game.
Of course, I would like to incorporate the title of the game in the main menu. The problem is, I don't have a title. I had an idea for a title, but unfortunately it gives too much hits on Google for other things with the same name to use.
So, if anyone has any ideas for a name for a femdom game with a college setting, contact me or comment here. That might be a bit too general as a setting to come up with a good name (I can't, but I'm pretty bad at this), so it's also possible to reference goddess mythology in general like I did with the character names.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Suggestions about scenes/things you'd like to see are also still welcome, preferably non-scat as the game is already quite heavy on scat related scenes. Probably good for some, but I'd like to balance things out a little bit.
- 2014/02/15(土) 16:51:58|
- College
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I decided on monthly progress updates. I will put my total progress on the College game in numbers at the bottom of each update, and show one new screenshot. The number after the / can also be increased if I think if more scenes/outfits/backgrounds or get suggestions I want to use.
Currently, I still need:
- A name for the game. I would use something like the name of the school if it wasn't for that name having been used many times before.
- If possible, someone to make exclusive sound effects and/or music instead of license-free stuff.
- A good font everyone has (so it doesn't have to be installed).
And unrelated to the game, but I made some small changes to the blog in terms of amount of search results/recent blogposts listed on the left panel.

Not a final image as the font and possibly other stuff will be changed, but it does show the new screen size. I decided to keep backgrounds simple as I will be making a lot more of them than in Teacher in Training. The textbox will become bigger in size with a lot of text. This doesn't mean I will fill up the already big textbox, but it does mean that parts of the text not show up on certain resolutions like in TiT should not be able to happen in this game. The textbox is hidable again, of course.
ProgressBackgrounds [4/15]
Outfits [5/18]
Scenes [0/21]
- 2014/01/29(水) 08:31:38|
- College
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