The Matriarchy production blog

Yes, yesterday was a joke

Here's a recent Patreon image to make up.
  1. 2016/04/02(土) 02:22:58|
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EA acquires 'The Matriarchy'

Over the past few months there have been several talks but about a week ago it became official, so I'm glad I can finally announce that EA Games has acquired The Matriarchy productions in an attempt to expand their business into the adult gaming industry.

You may ask yourself what this means for The Matriarchy and Veil of the Lotus. For now, nothing. I (The Necromancer) will still remain in charge of the for now unchanged The Matriarchy label and development on Veil of the Lotus will continue as planned. The biggest difference is that EA will now pay me to do so. Veil of the Lotus version 1 will be released for digital download and will soon be made compatible with EA's Origin service to allow achievements and many other features to be added to the game.

One of those features will be special routes and alternative outfits for the heroines in the game added in later versions as downloadable content. For a small fee you will be able to replay the Lotus route but with Lotus wearing glasses or a different school uniform and even play a route based around one of EA's many amazing franchises (Dragon Age, FIFA, and many many more!).

Besides working on my own projects, EA has also asked me to join other interesting adult game projects they are starting to develop. I can't say too much about this for now, but I am allowed to tell you I will have an important role in the development of the first game in EA's new EA WaterSports brand.

I hope everyone reading this is as excited about this news as I am and will continue to support The Matriarchy and EA in the future.
  1. 2016/04/01(金) 04:19:47|
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The new new hentai femdom forum
The hentai femdom forum has once again be re-opened, hopefully for the last time, on the above url. Please do join if you're interested in talking about drawn femdom content or are an artist/writer yourself.
  1. 2016/03/06(日) 03:54:33|
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New monthly image

Last month's Patreon request image was just uploaded for everyone to see on my Pixiv:

Also, this week will be the final week I have to work full-time, so hopefully I'll be able to increase the pace I can make images/work on Veil of the Lotus soon.
  1. 2016/02/01(月) 09:17:36|
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Happy new year~!

Best wishes and stuff.

27 slides done for the event scene I've been working on, I'm not sure how many I still have to do but I'm pretty sure I'll be done before the weekend is over. The progress percentage went down from 57% to 42% because the third route is now confirmed for Veil of the Lotus version 1, more details on the heroine for that route soon(ish).

I will close the poll in the last post sometime this Saturday.
  1. 2015/12/31(木) 16:40:30|
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The Necromancer

Author:The Necromancer
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